Let's help our children find personal and professional fulfillment in their lives.

Let's help our children find personal and professional fulfillment in their lives.

Our society has taught the older generation that success is the ultimate goal. We strive to achieve that "dream corner office" or stability that translates into a job we will hold for 20 years. However, the job industry is changing...

Our society has taught the older generation that success is the ultimate goal. We strive to achieve that "dream corner office" or stability that translates into a job we will hold for 20 years. However, the job industry is changing... and human resources know that employees may only stay for two years before moving on to their next opportunity. Moreover, candidates for a job are now asking questions, wanting to hold employers accountable for the environment and the common good. With all these changes, we should be more interested in our children’s fulfillment than success. There is so much more than asking them what they want to be when they grow up.

Fulfillment is the satisfaction and happiness of doing something meaningful and fulfilling. It is not just about achieving a certain level of success but also about finding purpose and meaning in what we do. Fulfillment is a lifelong journey, not just a destination. We can experience it every day, no matter where we are in our career or personal life.

As parents, we need to unlearn many things, actively listen, and endorse our children's innate curiosity. We should constantly ask ourselves if we encourage them to explore their interests and passions. We should help them become learners, not just students. We should teach them  (or should they teach themselves?) how to learn and adapt to change, think critically and creatively, and solve problems.

In today's world, where technology is advancing rapidly, jobs are becoming more specialized, and the job market is more competitive than ever, children must become lifelong learners. They need to develop skills that will enable them to adapt to changing circumstances and seize opportunities as they arise. They need to think creatively and critically, be open to new ideas and perspectives, and be willing to take risks.

To help our children become learners, we must create an environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and learning. We must encourage them to ask questions and experiment. We must provide them opportunities to learn new skills, try new things, and solve problems. We must understand that there is learning in failure, which can open the doors to perseverance and resilience. As parents, we need to ask ourselves how we can help them develop a growth mindset where they see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

It is also important to note that fulfillment is not just about career success. It is also about finding joy and meaning in our personal lives. As parents, we must focus in the value of relationships, community, and giving back. We need to practice empathy and compassion, to be good listeners and communicators, and to be responsible and caring members of society.

Let's help our children find personal and professional fulfillment in their lives.

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